"Where there is a woman there is magic...
A woman with a moon falling from her mouth, roses between her legs and tiaras of spanish moss,
this woman is a consort of the spirits."
-Ntozake Shange
A woman with a moon falling from her mouth, roses between her legs and tiaras of spanish moss,
this woman is a consort of the spirits."
-Ntozake Shange
Women's Tools
In our current times, it is nothing less than REVOLUTIONARY to come into the body, and to come into relationship with ourselves, and with the world in our own sovereignty, as a woman.
The feminine principle in woman creates, sustains & nurtures, as wells as destroys. In the South Indian traditions, Shakti is honored as the active principle- wild, chaotic, deep & colorful. She who receives & births all, who cannot be tamed, and whose strength is also her vulnerability. She contains he. Thus, She is beyond duality.
In order to learn how to truly be "a woman" in the fullest of ways, we need to integrate within us the spectrum of possibility between the feminine and masculine. Simultaneously we need to plug our bodies in to the fertile nourishment of the elements, particularly that of earth and water.
Our work as human beings is to find our way again, find our roots. Luckily as women, we don't have to go far...our bodies are tied in with the natural rhythms of all living beings. For many who identify as women, our female organs and feminine cycles teach us over the course of a lifetime - how to connect with the deepest core of our desires, our powers, and the wisdom of the Earth itself.
With pain & pleasure as my compass, I am learning, step by step, simply how to Take Care of this vessel & two hearts.
This is the work of a lifetime.
The feminine principle in woman creates, sustains & nurtures, as wells as destroys. In the South Indian traditions, Shakti is honored as the active principle- wild, chaotic, deep & colorful. She who receives & births all, who cannot be tamed, and whose strength is also her vulnerability. She contains he. Thus, She is beyond duality.
In order to learn how to truly be "a woman" in the fullest of ways, we need to integrate within us the spectrum of possibility between the feminine and masculine. Simultaneously we need to plug our bodies in to the fertile nourishment of the elements, particularly that of earth and water.
Our work as human beings is to find our way again, find our roots. Luckily as women, we don't have to go far...our bodies are tied in with the natural rhythms of all living beings. For many who identify as women, our female organs and feminine cycles teach us over the course of a lifetime - how to connect with the deepest core of our desires, our powers, and the wisdom of the Earth itself.
With pain & pleasure as my compass, I am learning, step by step, simply how to Take Care of this vessel & two hearts.
This is the work of a lifetime.
Pooja is one of the most radiant, creative, innovative women I know.
She embodies the wild feminine spirit, and her creations inspire the imagination of all who witness her artistic work.
Performer, priestess, teacher, healer, and dreamer,
Pooja's radically authentic offerings always stir my soul and awaken my heart.
She is a true revolutionary,
and a powerful pioneer for the sacred arts."
-Carrie Grossman
teacher, singer, writer
Pooja is one of the most radiant, creative, innovative women I know.
She embodies the wild feminine spirit, and her creations inspire the imagination of all who witness her artistic work.
Performer, priestess, teacher, healer, and dreamer,
Pooja's radically authentic offerings always stir my soul and awaken my heart.
She is a true revolutionary,
and a powerful pioneer for the sacred arts."
-Carrie Grossman
teacher, singer, writer
Moon Rites
Moon Rites explores the wisdom of menstruation and the menstrual cycle. It can be offered as a single intensive workshop or as a series, devoted to rediscovering menstruation as a spiritual practice, once honored and cultivated in many cultures as one of the principle feminine mysteries. Click on the title for more detailed info. Entering the Feminine Well
Most traditional and indigenous cultures revered the dark, the mystery of the deep feminine in caves, canyons and ponds, and gestation and birth from within the void/ womb and the cunt/yoni from which human beings and all of creation is born. This workshop explores this void space with in us through guided ritual and journal practice. Together we reclaim the sacredness and power of the dark places within us, the space of unknowing and of undoing, that intimidating but oh-so fecund place within. Incubate. Gestate. Renew from the inside. Rites of Passage
Pooja creates and facilitates workshops around initiatory women's Rites of Passage, as well as private rituals for women of all ages. These can include but are not limited to: menarche, recovering trauma, divorce, death of a loved one, abortions, miscarriages, pregnancy, births, "coming-out" celebrations, and other significant thresholds. In addition, Pooja founded The Rites of Passage Project as an art-based movement to reclaim women's initiations. Dance Ritual for Wombmen
Guided free-form ritual dance & movement exploring sacred Feminine archetypes and elements of wild nature. |
How can I describe the feeling and experience of being lead by Pooja... She gives with an amazing combination of Mother, favorite Auntie, best friend, silly get-in-trouble-with friend from 2nd grade, tough and powerful supportive teacher, dude from the neighborhood that understands, wise elder, and fierce priestess. Thank you Pooja; your offerings at the Wild Woman Fest are my favorite classes I've attended ever. I learned so much, experienced liberation and freedom in places that were holding me back." -Shane Kulman parent coach Your Beautiful Child |
Pooja’s ceremonial leadership is purely life-changing. With her vision, tenderness and care, I rediscover myself completely- as powerful, radiant, unleashed, and deeply beautiful. I laugh and cry and breathe in reverence; at some point, inevitably, I drop to my knees in wonder at the glory of life being illuminated for my unbelievably-blessed beholding. The magic of Pooja’s service to the world is that, while no one else could ever, EVER create ceremony and hold space the way that she can, the love that flows through her work is never about 'Pooja'. For her, the offering is a true gift of passion, generosity, and service, beckoning the receivers to open more to themselves and their own experience than ever before. " -Sara Goff soul coach, yoga instructor |
Header photo by Jill Goldman
Other photo credits: Janine Strong, Sam Backhaus, Amanda Petrocelly (pelvis), Pooja Prema
Other photo credits: Janine Strong, Sam Backhaus, Amanda Petrocelly (pelvis), Pooja Prema