This photo was taken sometime back when my dear friend Heather Fisch asked me to be The High Priestess, an archetype close to my soul. To me The High Priestess, along with The Empress, are the archetypes of womanifestation. They create/ birth as extensions of the fecund earth, dancing in the non-dual union of dark + light - tending the compost and the garden, alive in the underworld womb as well as the topside world where we eventually (sometimes after years) harvest the flowers + fruits of our labors. Its good magic, whole magic, humble magic.
As i came upon this photo today, I remembered the long-ago story of the necklace I'm wearing in it. Its made of typewriter keys, and was given to me, wrapped in newspaper - by a grunge girl wearing all black, on a bus in Seattle around midnight when I was alone and lost; she had placed the bundle quickly into my hands before rushing out the door. She was my angel-witch; who'd been wearing it earlier when I had stepped onto the bus without enough money, feeling shakey and scared as I asked how to get where I needed to go and whether she and her friend could give me some change (they did). I had told her how beautiful the necklace was and did she make it (yes she had). The typewriter keys are metaphors of the Word, and of speaking one's truth. That gift gave me all the hope i needed, that I wasn't lost after all out in a big city alone at night. I found my way to where i needed to go. It remains with me as a symbol of Feminine power + resilience, crafted by the hands of an unknown woman.
THIS is womanifestation. Other women + femmes + people holding space for, cheering on, lifting each other up. It exists in contrast to the obsession that New Age white-washed culture has with "manifestation" - one that reeks of privilege, light-polarization and isolation: the idea that if we as individuals just think good thoughts, all will go our way. Womanifestaton is rather about honoring the mystery of life, of the Divine Feminine and inter-connectedness. Its being a conduit of sustenance and reciprocity. Because when she gave me the necklace, it was healing for me. But it was also healing for her to give it. It was an honorable giving and receiving.
As we approach the New Moon in Aquarius, its time to clear my desk, my mind, and set new intentions for this next cycle. The High Priestess has all she needs, not just within herself, but with the fruit and seeds of the Earth (held in the pomegranate), and with the Great Book of the World/ Her Life in her left arm. Wearing good witch magic around her neck.
There is a lot to become womanifest for me, for Rites of Passage in the coming months. For some folks, it seems like an impossible task. That's because it is. Its impossible for me to "make it all happen". The only way it can happen is through the union of sincere effort/ intention, magic + surrender, with a little (or a lot of) help from my friends (and kind strangers)! Reminding myself of this now as i prepare to step through the next portal.
Thank you Lisa Vollmer for this photo, to Heather for the invitation, and to Kifu Faruq for introducing me to womanifestation! Its an honor to womanifest with you, and with all the other incredible women, femmes + people in my life right now.
#womanifestation #2020vision #faith #resilience #sustenance
This photo was taken sometime back when my dear friend Heather Fisch asked me to be The High Priestess, an archetype close to my soul. To me The High Priestess, along with The Empress, are the archetypes of womanifestation. They create/ birth as extensions of the fecund earth, dancing in the non-dual union of dark + light - tending the compost and the garden, alive in the underworld womb as well as the topside world where we eventually (sometimes after years) harvest the flowers + fruits of our labors. Its good magic, whole magic, humble magic.
As i came upon this photo today, I remembered the long-ago story of the necklace I'm wearing in it. Its made of typewriter keys, and was given to me, wrapped in newspaper - by a grunge girl wearing all black, on a bus in Seattle around midnight when I was alone and lost; she had placed the bundle quickly into my hands before rushing out the door. She was my angel-witch; who'd been wearing it earlier when I had stepped onto the bus without enough money, feeling shakey and scared as I asked how to get where I needed to go and whether she and her friend could give me some change (they did). I had told her how beautiful the necklace was and did she make it (yes she had). The typewriter keys are metaphors of the Word, and of speaking one's truth. That gift gave me all the hope i needed, that I wasn't lost after all out in a big city alone at night. I found my way to where i needed to go. It remains with me as a symbol of Feminine power + resilience, crafted by the hands of an unknown woman.
THIS is womanifestation. Other women + femmes + people holding space for, cheering on, lifting each other up. It exists in contrast to the obsession that New Age white-washed culture has with "manifestation" - one that reeks of privilege, light-polarization and isolation: the idea that if we as individuals just think good thoughts, all will go our way. Womanifestaton is rather about honoring the mystery of life, of the Divine Feminine and inter-connectedness. Its being a conduit of sustenance and reciprocity. Because when she gave me the necklace, it was healing for me. But it was also healing for her to give it. It was an honorable giving and receiving.
As we approach the New Moon in Aquarius, its time to clear my desk, my mind, and set new intentions for this next cycle. The High Priestess has all she needs, not just within herself, but with the fruit and seeds of the Earth (held in the pomegranate), and with the Great Book of the World/ Her Life in her left arm. Wearing good witch magic around her neck.
There is a lot to become womanifest for me, for Rites of Passage in the coming months. For some folks, it seems like an impossible task. That's because it is. Its impossible for me to "make it all happen". The only way it can happen is through the union of sincere effort/ intention, magic + surrender, with a little (or a lot of) help from my friends (and kind strangers)! Reminding myself of this now as i prepare to step through the next portal.
Thank you Lisa Vollmer for this photo, to Heather for the invitation, and to Kifu Faruq for introducing me to womanifestation! Its an honor to womanifest with you, and with all the other incredible women, femmes + people in my life right now.
#womanifestation #2020vision #faith #resilience #sustenance